Photo by Todd Clarke
Board of Directors

Todd Clarke, Board Chair
NM Apartment Advisors, Inc
Mr. Todd Clarke is the owner of the New Mexico Apartment Advisors and Cantera Consultants & Advisors. He is the co-founder of the Commercial Association of Realtors in New Mexico and is an award winning international instructor for the CCIM institute, opening up the eastern European and Chinese markets for commercial real estate education. In the last dozen years he has taught more than 4,000 students in 173 courses, a half dozen of which he has authored. For the last 32 years he has focused his brokerage efforts on apartments in the Southwest, and he has listed and sold more than 15,000 units. As a volunteer he is a former City of Albuquerque Housing Commissioner and has also been a volunteer board member for a handful of affordable housing non-profits.

Peter Gineris, vice chair
Senior VP Debt & Structured Finance
Peter J. Gineris has been involved in real estate finance and development since 1988. He is currently a Senior Vice President, overseeing the Debt & Structured Finance Group in the Albuquerque, New Mexico and El Paso, Texas offices of CBRE Capital Markets. Peter’s primary focus is in providing debt and/or equity for commercial real estate development, acquisition or refinancing at the most competitive interest rates and terms available in the market today. Loan sizes range from $750,000 to more than $100 million.
Mr. Gineris has 28 years in the commercial real estate finance industry, including seven years at Heller Real Estate Financial Services Inc. He has also held Vice President positions in Albuquerque at Charter Mortgage and Sunrise Mortgage & Investment.
Mr. Gineris has strong underwriting and loan structuring skills as well as loan documentation and closing skills. He has extensive relationships with the majority of active life insurance company lenders, money center banks, CMBS lenders and agency lenders including HUD, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. In 2016 he was honored to be in the top 20% of producers at CBRE.

Holly Barela, Treasurer
Senior Vice President/CFO/COO
Yes Housing, Inc.
Holly Barela has a diverse background in accounting, finance, and business administration with 20+ years of experience. She serves a dual role for the organization as both CFO and COO. She is responsible for the organization’s financial planning and accounting practices in addition to establishing its relationship with lending institutions, investment partners, and the financial community. She oversees budgeting, audit, tax, purchasing, long range forecasting, and insurance activities for the organization and related entities. As the COO, she is responsible for overseeing the activities of the organization in support of policies, goals, and objectives established by the CEO and the Board of Directors. She is a licensed CPA, has a Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and a Masters of Business Administration. In addition, she holds several other professional certifications in affordable housing.

Jessica Kuhn, secretary
SVP, Relationship Manager Team Lead
Enterprise Bank & Trust
Jessica Kuhn is a native to Albuquerque, NM. She graduated from the University of New Mexico with a concentration in Marketing, as well as received her MBA with a concentration in Finance. In addition, Jessica received her CCIM designation in commercial real estate. She began her banking career in 2005 working in various areas of the industry. Her primary focus over the last several years has been commercial real estate lending. Jessica works at Enterprise Bank & Trust as the Senior Vice President, Team Lead of their commercial lending department. Outside of the office, she has been a part of several commercial real estate non-profit organizations. Jessica is a Past President of the CCIM NM Chapter and Treasurer of CREW NM. In her free time, Jessica enjoys spending time with her family and friends, traveling and running.

Steve Anaya, Director
Retired, Former CEO
The New Mexico Association of REALTORS®
Mr. Steven Anaya has an extensive history of public service at the local, state and federal levels. He is currently retired and served as the chief executive officer of the 6,000 member New Mexico Association of REALTORS® (NMAR) where he oversaw public policy and business issues for the New Mexico real estate industry. Previously, Mr. Anaya served as director of Fannie Mae’s New Mexico Partnership Office where he worked with mortgage industry partners in the investing of $6 billion to provide affordable housing opportunities to more than 66,000 New Mexico families. At the federal level, Mr. Anaya served as the state director of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of Rural Development where he managed a $300 million portfolio. He directed programs for business and utilities and helped thousands of families obtain affordable housing in rural New Mexico. Mr. Anaya also holds elected office, serving as a member of his hometown Moriarty City Council. Honors include being named one of the top ten “Albuquerqueans to Watch” while serving as director of the New Mexico State Fair and one of the state’s new “Power Brokers” by New Mexico Business Weekly in 2011. Mr. Anaya holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from New Mexico State University.

Robbie Levey, Director
Retired, Former Executive Director
Mesilla Valley Public Housing Authority
Ms. Robbie R. Levey has over 22 years of experience in the public housing industry. She recently retired from the Mesilla Valley Public Housing Authority, where she served as executive director since January, 2012. The Housing Authority assists more than 2,000 families in HUD’s Housing Choice Voucher and Public Housing Programs, and is the general partner in eight low-income housing tax credit developments in Las Cruces and Doña Ana County. Ms. Levey is the past-President of NM NAHRO, and served on the Board of Ethics and Credentialing Trustees and Professional Development Committee with national NAHRO. Ms. Levey holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Texas at Austin.

Elizabeth Bernal, Director
Community and Environmental Services
Rural Development Specialist II
Rural Community Assistance Corporation (RCAC)
Ms. Elizabeth Bernal has more than 20 years of expertise in housing and community development and has worked extensively in rural New Mexico, especially on colonias, local government and tribal issues in New Mexico. Currently, Ms. Bernal is employed as a Community and Environmental Services Rural Development Specialist II with the Rural Community Assistance Corporation (RCAC) where she provides training and technical assistance to nonprofit, local, tribal, state and federal agencies. She previously served as the executive director of the South Central Council of Governments, a contract development director for Tierra del Sol Housing Corporation and a technical consultant and executive director for the Anthony Berino Economic Development Corporation.

Shawn Colbert, Director
Retired, Former Director of Housing Development
NM Mortgage Finance Authority (MFA)
Shawn Colbert started in the housing field in 1984, making her a “seasoned professional” with an in-depth knowledge of development, property management, affordable housing, and fair housing. Her passion has always been providing amazing, affordable living options for those with limited resources. Before retiring in July 2021, she served as Director of Housing Development for the New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority (MFA) where she led the housing development department. Prior to her time at MFA, Ms. Colbert developed successful, affordable housing communities for over 20 years.

George Maestas, Director
Director of Housing Development
NM Mortgage Finance Authority (MFA)
George Maestas is the Director of Housing Development for the New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority (MFA). The department works with affordable housing developers to provide Low Income Housing Tax Credits and gap financing for the construction and/or rehabilitation of housing for low-to-moderate income households. In addition to the six years he has worked with MFA, George has over 21 years of banking experience, with the last 15 specifically in commercial lending. In 2015, George achieved a Credit Risk Certification from the Risk Management Association. In 2020, he received a Housing Development Finance Professional Certification from the National Development Council.

LEANN KEMP, Director
Retired, Former Director of Communications and Marketing
New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority, MFA
Leann is the former director of communications and marketing for the NM MFA. She is a professional in marketing, communication and writing. She is versed in branding and messaging strategies honed across an18-year industry career. Leann holds skills in crisis communication strategy, corporate messaging, developing marketing collateral, brand building, and much more.

Principal / Architect
Dekker Perich Sabatini
Hannah is a Principal and Architect at Dekker Perich Sabatini with specialization in multi-family housing, senior living, and mixed-use projects. She co-leads the firm’s Multifamily Housing Studio, leading projects in 7 states and a team of 30 across multiple offices. Hannah has been a critical component of the firm’s integration of technology with sustainability and leads the firm’s Health and Wellness Initiative which integrates evidence-based design to promote well-being in the built environment.

Tasha Martinez, Director
Capital Outlay Bureau Chief
Aging and Long Term Services Division
Tasha, a native New Mexican who calls Las Vegas home, is passionate about creating thriving communities. As President of MainStreet de Las Vegas, her focus is to collaborate with community leaders to address a critical need of affordable housing. She brings over 20 years of experience in strategic communication, project management, and organizational development. She has a proven ability to build relationships, manage budgets, and achieve objectives across diverse industries. Mrs. Martinez holds a master’s degree in Business Administration from New Mexico Highlands University.

KAMAL Ali, Director
Retired, Former Regional President, New Mexico
PNC Bank
Kamal directed business development by leading combined organization in providing clients in the market with access to full range of products and capabilities through PNC’s Main Street banking model, in addition to delivering on PNC’s commitment to supporting local communities. He led PNC’s focus on developing / deepening relationships with new and existing corporate and commercial banking clients throughout the market as head of the organization for New Mexico. He worked with cross-functional operational departments in risk assessment process of corporate / commercial portfolio to include interest rate sensitivity, credit concentration, industry diversification, strategic risk appetite and compliance. In addition, he oversaw the regional budget and monitored performance relative to both regional and organizational goals.